
Board of Directors

Executive Committee

William Lepsch, Board Chair, Private Sector
Cindy Erickson, Vice Chair, Economically Disadvantaged Sector
Joe Rebisz, Operations & Treasurer, Economically Disadvantaged Sector
Joe Robinson, Secretary, Private Sector

Board Members

Cathy Freeman, Private Sector
Justa Goodell, Economically Disadvantaged Sector
Ellen Grant, Elected Sector
Saundra Mayle, Private Sector
Donald McKeown, Private Sector
Brian Morgan, Economically Disadvantaged Sector
Luanne Roberts, Elected Sector
Dawn Stone, Economically Disadvantaged Sector

All Board meetings are open to the public. You are welcome to attend at 6470 State Rt. 20A, Perry, NY 14530. Attendance by Zoom is also available by contacting our office at 585-237-2600 for meeting information.

Board of Directors Meetings are held the last Thursday of every month.
