Our Work

Community & Family

Community Action provides numerous important services to Wyoming County residents to help build individual and family stability.

Family Self Sufficiency Program

FSS (Family Self Sufficiency) is a program designed to encourage and help eligible families to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency. Families who are receiving Section 8 Housing Assistance are eligible for this program. The family will enter in to a mutually agreed upon contract which is geared to meet the families’ need for services and spells out the goals and objectives that the families want to work to fulfill during the contract term. Upon completion of the contract many families have been eligible to receive funds in a saving account which is determined by their success in the FSS Program.

Healthcare Navigation

Are you an individual, family or business in need of affordable health Insurance? Don’t try to navigate the NY State Healthplan Marketplace on your own. We have certified NYS Healthcare Navigators on staff to provided free, unbiased advice on what plan can best meet your family’s needs and budget. Connie can get you enrolled and help you understand what you may qualify for such as premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions. We can help you with Medicaid, Child Health Plus and Essential New York State Health Plan. Call Connie at 585-237-2600 or at the Wyoming County Department of Health at 1(800) 466-1191 or (585) 786-8890.

OPEN ENROLLMENT begins November 1st each year and ends January 31st.

You can enroll at any time if you have a “qualifying life event”. These include marriage, birth, death, loss of existing coverage, new citizenship, and other instances as determined by Health and Human Services. Medicaid, Child Health Plus and Essential New York State Health Plan allow you to enroll at any time.

Medical Transportation Program

Through a caring and dedicated group of volunteers, we coordinate rides for Medicaid eligible people in need of transportation to medical appointments. Drivers will travel to Batavia, Buffalo and Rochester as well as to our local healthcare offices. As a Volunteer Driver, you can create a flexible schedule, receive non-taxable mileage reimbursement, and directly impact the lives of our community members.

If you would like to become a Volunteer Driver, or are in need of medical transportation, please Contact us.

Support for Medical Recovery

Community Action maintains a Medical Equipment Loan Closet where caregivers and individuals can borrow needed equipment to safely recover at home. Equipment includes portable wheelchairs, lift chairs, bathroom seats and bars, walkers and more. We also administer help with co-pays or medical bills for critical needs related to healthcare and recovery through the William Thiel Foundation.

Availability of medical equipment is dependent upon donations received and items returned.

If you are in need of medical equipment or are looking to donate, please Contact us.